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Carolina Foot and Ankle

Huntersville 704-987-9585

Mooresville 704-235-0474

Mountain Island 704-971-4000

Why Dynamic Warm-ups Improve Performance and Reduce Injuries

Thursday, 27 June 2024 13:51

why-dynamic-warm-ups-improve-performance-and-reduce-injuries.jpgModern research tells us that "old school" static stretching doesn't cut it before sports or intense exercise. We now know that dynamic stretching is the key to improving agility, speed, performance and decreasing injuries.


Benefits of a Dynamic Warm-Up:

  1. Increases heart rate and blood flow ➡️ more oxygen and nutrients available for muscles to use
  2. Increases core body temperature ➡️ lower tissue viscosity, increased muscle elasticity, increased range of motion, and more forceful muscle contraction
  3. Simulates nervous system ➡️ primes neural pathways to improve your coordination and movement


Dynamic warm-ups decrease injury by prepping your body for the work. Sensors in your muscles start sending signals to your brain to communicate their needs. This results in increased responsiveness, so your body is primed for peak performance. Tailor your dynamic warm-up to your sport or activity so that the proper muscle groups are turned on and ready to go.

Is there still a place for static stretching? Yes. Incorporate slow, static stretching into your cool down routine.