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Carolina Foot and Ankle

Huntersville 704-987-9585

Mooresville 704-235-0474

Mountain Island 704-971-4000

Back pain: How shoes affect your Spine

Wednesday, 26 June 2024 20:32

back-pain-how-shoes-affect-your-spine.jpgThe normal curvature of your spine functions to dissipate ground reactive forces (Newton's 3rd law #biomechanics). If your center of gravity changes due to an abnormal gait pattern, inadequate support, or lack of shock absorption, the spine can no longer disperse forces effectively, and your spinal curvature adapts. This adaptation, or malalignment, causes back pain.

Your center of gravity shifts as you walk from heel to toe, evenly distributing your weight through the feet. Normal walking mechanics are achieved with footwear that supports your body weight. Without proper support, your center of gravity is thrown off, causing an abnormal gait, leading to stress and strain up the kinetic chain (from your feet up to the spine). Good posture and proper alignment & support keeps the body happy and pain-free.


Final thoughts:

  1. Shoes should contain a shock absorptive material to help disperse forces from the ground as you walk, run, jump, or participate in activities. Many thin, flimsy flip flops don't provide this layer of protection, which is why you may experience pain after hours of wearing this type of unsupportive shoe. If you wouldn't want to wear the shoes to walk a mile, you probably shouldn't be wearing them at all!
  2. High heels change our center of gravity, increasing our spinal curvature (hyperlordotic lumbar spine) causing back pain. When you feel it's absolutely necessary to wear heels, limit your heel height to 1-2 inches and always bring a pair of comfortable shoes to change into.
  3. Flat shoes (ballet flats, flip flops, etc.) lack proper support, shock absorption, and also require your toes to flex or pinch to keep them on your feet. This shortens your stride, affects your center of gravity, again leading to back pain.

Your feet are your foundation. Your shoes affect more than just your feet they impact your ankles, knees, hips, and spine. If you experience back pain, the first place to look is down!